The following Extensions are included with QuicKeys v2.1.2:
Apple® Events* - Requires System 7 or later. Must be installed with the Extension Manager™.
ButtonAction™* - Must be installed with the Extension Manager.
Choosy™ - Installed automatically.
CursorWait™* - Must be installed with the Extension Manager.
DisMounty™* - Must be installed with the Extension Manager.
Display - Installed automatically.
Finder Events™* - Requires System 7 or later. Installed automatically.
Frontier™* - Must be installed with the Extension Manager.
Grab Ease™ - Installed automatically.
Location* - Must be installed with the Extension Manager.
MenuDecision™* - Must be installed with the Extension Manager.
MenuWait™* - Must be installed with the Extension Manager.
Message* - Must be installed with the Extension Manager.
Mounty™ - Installed automatically.
Panels - Installed automatically.
Paste Ease™* - Must be installed with the Extension Manager.
ProcessSwap™* - Must be installed with the Extension Manager.
Repeat* - Must be installed with the Extension Manager.
Screen Ease™ - Installed automatically.
SoftKeys™ - Installed automatically.
Sound* - Must be installed with the Extension Manager.
SpeakerChanger - Installed automatically.
Stuff* - Must be installed with the Extension Manager.
System 7 Specials* - Requires System 7 or later.
Type Ease™* - Must be installed with the Extension Manager.
UnStuff - Installed automatically.
Wait… - Installed automatically.
Which Printer* - Must be installed with the Extension Manager.
WindowDecision™* - Must be installed with the Extension Manager.
WindowWait™* - Must be installed with the Extension Manager.
* Found in the “More Extensions” folder on Disk 2
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Apple Events:
Apple Events Extension v1.0 knows and reads the preliminary format of Apple Event Terminology Extension (AETE) resources. As future formats of the AETE resource are released by Apple, we will release revisions of the Apple Events Extension in our support forums on the online services.
The Display Extension will open most text files.
Note: DO NOT use Display to open a file that already is open.
The Frontier Extension works with version 1.0b1 or later of UserLand’s Frontier product.
DO NOT define QuicKeys for Control Panels which do not work on your machine. This causes unpredictable results. The Panels Extension will show all Control Panels installed on your machine in its pop-up menu, but not all Control Panels work on all machines. For example, the Brightness Control Panel only works on portables and Classics, so do not make a panel QuicKey for if you have a different machine.
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QuicKeys 2 is a trademark of CE Software, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective holders.
CE Software, Inc.
P.O. Box 65580
West Des Moines
Iowa 50265 U.S.A.
(515) 224-1995
FAX: (515) 224-4534
QuickMail: (515) 224-1721
Technical Support: (515) 224-1953
Support Forums:
AppleLink - Third Parties (visible with AppleLink v6.0 or later) - CE Software
America Online - Industry Connection (keyword: cesoftware)
CompuServe - Mac A Vendors Forum - (go macaven, library 4)
GEnie - CE Software Round Table - (go page 1005, the command is “m1005”)
CONNECT - Vendor Support - CE Software (no keywords)